MiniFRC:10 is here!

Field CAD:

Game Manuel:

July 6th (open to the public)

Build Days:
Tuesdays 9th and 16th 5-7pm,
Thursdays 11th and 18th 5-7pm,
Saturday 13th 12-4pm
(open to the public)

Saturday, July 20th

Research Triangle High School

MiniFRC 10 : Crescendo!

What is MiniFRC: Camp?

A Summer Camp for Middle school students to be introduced to and further their engineering skills. MiniFRC is a miniature version of the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) official game of the year. Each student will be provided a MiniFRC robot kit of parts and the camp counselors will walk students through building, wiring, and programming their own robot to play this year's MiniFRC game: Crescendo.

Monday, July 15th - Friday, July 19th
8:00am - 12:30pm every day

Research Triangle High School
3106 NC-54, Durham NC 27709

Research Triangle High School

$250 total

MiniFRC Summer Camp

Watch more of our MiniFRC events here!